Customised programmes tailored to the organisation’s needs designed to increase management and organisational capability by guiding teams to apply theoretical models to organisational challenges so that they learn and implement together. Sample Programmes:
Managing Performance
- Why the conversation is more important than the template
- How to ensure your messages are heard
- Following up and positive reinforcement
- Planning to improve the performance of your team
- Making conversations matter
- Clarity of intent drives content and approach
- Language and body language as key tools
- Practice practice practice
Leadership with a small ‘l’
- Everyday leadership – why the small things matter
- Making decisions – why equality is rarely just or fair
- Managing the mood and being prepared for fallout
Leadership with a capital ‘L’
- Making the vision, mission and strategy REAL
- Clarity and consistency – decisions & actions related to values
- Communicating through symbolism and actions
- Leadership costs – managing the pain of acting on principles and value